
vIDEO EsSays and Reviews (2010-PresEnt)

I first started creating video reviews in 2010 when I was still in high school under the title "JJ's Rambling Reviews," specializing in reviews of video games and anime. In 2011, I became a contributor to The Otaku Project, a website featuring up and coming anime reviewers, and a variety of other small video creators and article writers. To many of us, our work was just a hobby. A hobby that was left behind as we moved on to other things. But even as The Otaku Project closed its doors for good, and even as some of our friendships faltered due to loss of contact or other reasons, I've never had any intention of leaving my show behind.

In the early days, I was inspired by the pioneers of video reviews to make comedic reviews of games and anime, but I later got sucked into watching videos from the brony analysis community, and YouTube's video essay boom came soon after. Now I want to make videos that are longer, more in-depth and more analytical, which take a lot longer to make, even at my most productive, but I hope that it'll be worth it.

Main YouTube channel
Essays and Reviews YouTube playlist

TalkyPup Live (Twitch Streams) (2019-PresEnt)

Twitch channel
Second YouTube channel
YouTube VoD playlist

MemEs, e.t.c.

Just some random little things I've made over the years. Some of them were viewer submissions for ProtonJon's Twitch streams.

Second YouTube channel
YouTube Memes playlist

LPAmenity (2011-2016)

I used to watch a lot of let's play videos. LPAmenity is a YouTube side channel I made in 2011 for highlight videos and compilations of other let's players. It hasn't been active in some time.

LPAmenity YouTube channel

Let's Plays (2010-2012)

As a teenager, I created some let's plays for YouTube. I didn't finish many of them. They've mostly been marked as private, but I've kept up the ones that I made with my high school friends in case they ever wanted to look back on them.

  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl (The Subspace Emmissary) [2010, Cancelled, Privated]
  • Halo 3: ODST (Co-Op) [2010, Cancelled]
  • Sonic Heroes (Team Sonic) [2011, Complete, Privated]
  • Star Fox 64 [2011, Complete, Privated]
  • Pikmin [2011, Cancelled, Privated]
  • Rayman 2: The Great Escape [2011, Cancelled, Privated]
  • Halo 2 (Co-Op) [2012, Cancelled]
  • Super Mario Galaxy (Versus) [2012, Cancelled, Privated]