Super Shadow in Space
Miles 'Tails' Prower in City Scamper
Do a barrel roll!

Scratch Games

I've had plenty of ideas for games over the years, and have dabbled in various engines for people who can't program for themselves (stuff like RPG Maker, Novelty, Game Maker, e.c.t.), but the only projects I've ever completed are two short (and terrible) Sonic the Hedgehog fan-games. I made them way back in 2009 using a piece of software called Scratch, which is a fantastic way for kids and the inexperienced to learn how programming works, but it's not the best way to make good games. I think it's more of a learning tool than anything else. Anyway, you can find links to my old work with Scratch below.

Download "Super Shadow in Space"
Download "Miles 'Tails' Prower in City Scamper"
My Scratch profile

There's a good chance that the downloadable games will set off your virus protection, and I honestly can't tell you why, but what I can do is personally assure you that these games are completely harmless (not that I would blame you if you didn't trust me. I probably wouldn't trust me.)

I'd also like to clarify that these games are here for archival purposes, and to show how far I've come as a creator. I don't expect anyone to actually enjoy these things, but if you're curious, I'm not going to stop you from taking a look. You might get a laugh or two from them.